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What can JuryPub be used for?

JuryPub.COM is in today's world ~ Social Debate (or Social Mediation)

Be a Juror - Have an open mind and vote. Help give a suggestion or comment (your experience might be useful to others).
Be an Expert - Share your experiences and help others.
Be a Plaintiff / Defendant - An open mind, respectful and honest communications can be helpful to solve your debate or dispute.

Do you have any How To videos?

Yes, please subscribe to the "JuryPub.com" youtube channel.

YouTube JuryPub.com Videos

Can you show screen shots of the process?

  1. Start a case with defendant e~mail address, summary and jury type

  2. A request to the defendant will be emailed. Once logged in, the defendant can approve or reject.

  3. Any currently open case status will be displayed in Open Cases

  4. Upload any and all documents. Opposing part can select to Approve, mark Contingent or Reject each individually.

  5. Arguments (opening, main arguments one at a time, then closing)

  6. Call for any expert(s) in the field you seek per filter

  7. Now for the jury the system will find and people will vote (with optional comment)

  8. Final results shared with parties

  9. Disagree or prefer court? Then download entire case (tar or zip) and show the judge you tried to mediate on JuryPub.COM. The courts will ask if you tried to mediate. All the arguments and documents have been shared.

The same website can be used to debate a news link, politics or just about anything using the same format. If there is no other party to debate, leave the defendant e~mail address blank to post on the Bulletin Board.

What can I use this site for?

This site can be used for disputes between people. A debate about a news link (http://-some news article), an image, a video such as a youtube video link, or a document. The debate is key, not any personal information. That is kept private. Nicnames are used for the case. If no one can be stated for an debate, leave the e~mail address blank and the case will be placed on a 30-day Bulletin Board. If someone picks up the bulletin board case, then the debate begins. If not, then it will expire and you can repost again. To sum up, for a case before filing in a small claims court, debate about something or post a debate on the Bulletin Board.

Do you have examples of a jury type?

Some examples can be of only registered users:

  • Jury of 12 (standard, random jury)
  • Jury of 100
  • Jury of 20, but only licensed real estate agents in Texas
  • Jury of 12, anyone except for New York & California
  • Jury of 1, only an attorney in California (like small claims court with an attorney as the only one single vote)
  • Jury of 1 only
  • Jury of 9, USA
  • As many jurors in 3 days (or 12 days, etc)
  • 20 jurors -OR- 4 days, which ever comes first
  • 19 jurors, CA, TX and WY & Profession from Railroad experience (and can add 5+ years experience too)
  • 11 jurors, only Santa Cruz County (in California)
  • 27 jurors, NOT in 95003, 95008, 95033 & NOT having a real estate license
  • Name specific e~mail addresses NOT to view or be on this case
  • only jurors with email addresses in the domain @handcar.com
  • ...so many combinations...

Plaintiff can choose a jury with no filters and this would be random. The default setting is set to your state that you reside in (profile setting).

Someone in college may only want their peers to review their difference and select the age range of 18-22. This also gives flexibility as well as the power to create a group that could better understand your case. Think "generation gap."

Can I be anonymous?

You are anonymous. The only time your email address is displayed is with the other party directly debating with. EVERYONE else will only see Plaintiff / Defendant (under Start a Case). If a case is posted to the Bulletin Board (no email address supplied), your email address is not shared at all. When voting as a Juror, you are Juror #xx. If you are an Expert in a case, your post is shown as Expert #xx.

Why my personal information if anonymous?

Good question! The personal information regarding your profession, address, phone number are for the site, and not anyone else. By profession(s), the system can find you for an expert, or as a juror. Address and phone number, this is in case someone is seeking a jury based on an area code or location (zip code). The nicname is only used in a debate as a Plantiff or Defendant, not your personal information.

Why is a tennis ball showing on some of my cases?

The tennis ball shows the "Ball in your Court" There is something for you to do on your side of the case. Both sides will have documents to upload and will see this on their case status. But in arguments, one person at a time. If you have notifications turned on, you will know when it's your turn (e~mail, text or both). If not, review "My Open Cases" to view any case if the ball is in your court.

Can I search for other cases?

The entire reason for this is to have a database of ideas and differences that were solved. This could help others without using this OR it could help for a new case. Every case is different and on it's own merrits.

What is the "Link" used for?

A difference between two people does not have to be about a court case. It can be a difference on a news article, an image, a sound file, a picture, a video online or just about anything.

Can I get a hold of someone at JuryPub?

Yes, please e-mail, call or text the phone number shown in the Contact Us section. I will try to return calls or e-mails as fast as I can. If not, I will try by weekend time. But please give me ample time and understand that this website just started.

Is this like other social websites?

This website involves people, but it is the opinions and suggestions that are key. But these people are not your friends or family. You can choose friends or family to be on the jury or as an expert if they have expert knowledge. Having a conflict can be a problem, but how to resolve it can be difficult. Hopefully, people can help each other. After all, our society together is what makes this country so great.

Is the outcome legally binding?

No! The only time this is binding is IF both parties agree. If after the arguments, experts and jury shed light to help make a decision, then the site was successful. If one of the parties disagrees, then use the legal system we have in our country already. File in court and that can cost time away from family (very key, been there myself), time off from work, gas, parking, paperwork, filing fees, and then a court order that may be on your credit report. Again, if the parties involved can use JuryPub to resolve their dispute, everyone is successful.

Do I need to print out a certificate or something?

No, we are adults. Write an e~mail to the other party that you are agreeing on your dispute. Download your case here (only Plaintiff and Defendant can download the entire case as a whole). If you settle, please send an e~mail so we know the site has helped you.

How can I be an expert?

Experts are chosen by their e-mail address if someone knows of an expert(s) or chosen by their profile settings. Setting up your profession(s) is key to maybe help someone in the future with a suggestion or shed some light to a dispute. For example, someone can be a locomotive engineer on the railroad and a licensed real estate agent. A user can have more than one profession.

How can I be a juror?

Jurors are chosen by their e-mail address if put on the jury. Jury members can be filtered by location, profession, or any number of filters set. However, there are cases that are open for the public (no filters) to find and vote on ready cases.

What is the difference between Filter Cases vs. Public Cases

Filters set for a jury can be set. If you block an email address or even a domain (you can even block a state if you like), then those will be excluded from voting on your case. IF you check Public Jury, then any filters set are superseeded with open for the public. If you mark your case as Private, that means no one can search for it after completed.

What are these filters?

You can use filters to filter what you want, or what you do not want. An example idea is if you want only people in California to vote on your case, then you can set that. Or set real estate agents only in California with only 5 years or more experience as well can be set. Another example is a case with an home owners association where only people age 55 or older can live there and you only want jurors that are in that zip code and age 55 or older. Also, if two people want to use the site unfortunately for a divorce, they can list their address book to exclude their friends from seeing or voting on their case. Moreover, maybe a company wants to use the site and they want only a jury from Union Pacific Railroad employees and use the filters for jury members @up.com for domain filters. There are many examples and I hope this helps.

What happened to my completed case?

Once the case is completed, it will be in your History section, or you can search for it under Closed Cases.

Can I purge my cases?

Once completed, either party can requst to purge the case. If the other side agrees, the system will purge the case automatically and immediately.

What if someone is unprofessional in the case?

You can flag an item, an argument, or even the entire case. However, if you don't reach the jury stage in in 30 days, an e~mail is sent to remind both parties. By the 40th day from start, the case will drop off automatically.

What if we disagree?

Then at the end of the case, only the parties involved can download the entire case (documents, arguments, expert and jury votes (and comments, if any). Go file in court and take a copy with you. You can show the mediator that you tried to mediate the case here on JuryPub and save time for everyone.

Can I advertise?

Yes, please call or email me (see Contact Us ).
