Terms and Conditions


Terms & Conditions:

Use at your own risk. Be responsible for your own actions. Profanity or if you threaten someone will NOT be tollerated. With freedom, comes Respect and Responsibility. If the community flags your case, the case will be reviewed by administration here. Remember, there are young adults who also use this site. It is for all ages.

Use Of This Site:

This site is available for your use to help solve issues. Hopefully an expert or juror may have a suggestion on the case to help solve your difference. The suggestions from other people are ONLY suggestions. It is NOT binding. This is non-binding and to be of suggestions.

If There Is A Problem:

This site has many fallbacks for any issues. If someone uploads a document or an argument that is of something you do not want public, you have the right to not agree. You can mark -reject- or -contingent- that will not share with the public. Also, by not confirming, the case will become stale. Any case that has not evolved to the Jury Stage in a certain number of days, it will be purged automatically. Moreover, if there is or are items that need to be flagged, you can flag them. If a case is done and someone feels that it needs to be flagged, they can flag it.

Both Parties Disagree:

If either party disagrees or does not continue to use the site, then seek the use of legal means available to you (file in court, etc). Using this site is not by force and it is your own choice to agree with the other party, or the other party agrees with you has nothing to do with the site, except for sorting out the data in a structure presented and used on your own free will.
